Friday, August 27, 2010

tutespark 5 - culture jamming

Culture Jamming - is a form political communication which plays with branded images and icons of consumer culture as an attempt to subvert and sensationalise how our everyday lives are saturated in direct and indirect commercialisation.

information sourced from -
(accessed on 3.9.10)

"The phrase "culture jamming" comes from the idea of radio jamming: that public frequencies can be pirated and subverted for independent communication, or to disrupt dominant frequencies."

Some of the most common demostrations of culture jamming include billboard modifications and modifying slogans to create political statements.

First type of Culture Jamming was in 1968 came from the group called Situationist International, when it proposed the use of guerrilla communication within mass media to sow confusion within the dominant culture.

reference -

This culture jam has recently become one of what I would consider the most influential culture jams at least in our day. It is a message to the ignorant and overly communist. This is not only an anti consumerist culture jam but a eye opener if you know the other half of the story behind this picture. By using the well know theme of Apple ipods which seem to be absolutely everywhere these days, the creator/s of this culture jam brings light to the horrific treatment of detainees.

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