Friday, September 3, 2010

Week 6 - culture jam

Today in the Tute, Jordan and Amanda created facebook pages for our culture jam and Caitlin and I created a Blog.

Amanda said that the facebook pages "No Fatties on Light Rail" and "Equality on Gold Coast Light Rail" weren't very effective because she had trouble getting people to join the group - I didn't even want to join the group because then it would come up on my own personal facebook page and I can already guess which of my friends would comment on it and say that Im mean and shallow and thats before they even read about the group or ask me why I joined it. Amanda said that most of the people who joined the group were American drag queens and she said she had no idea why they even joined in the first place.

The blog called "Fat Pride" was supposed to be a blog written in the perspective of a "big" girl who resented the fact that the transport fares were going up because of large people and she hated the fact that facebook pages had been set up by skinny people to "dis" the "fatties." On the blog are facts and articles about "big" people.

All in all, our culture jam pretty much failed, we didn't get many people to join or follow our webpages and I'm pretty sure only Jordan, Amanda, Caitlin, Jules and I ever "knew" about the whole thing.

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