Monday, August 23, 2010

week 5 lec response

So this week we had a guest speaker; Adam Muir. He spoke about "social media" even though he disagrees with the fact that they are called "social media." His beef with this term is because technology is "the scientific study of mechanical arts and their application to the world," and then he explained that technology becomes media when it "is used for social or cultural communication." He then went on to say that if you look at the definitions of "technology" and "media," then how can "social media" be called such if media is technology when it is used socially or culturally? Meaning it is already social, so therefore he feels like when you say "social media" you are really saying "social media media." HAHAHAHA!!! He was very passionate about this idea and tried to explain it the best he could but it's a difficult concept to explain, which is why you are probably scratching your head trying to wrap your head around what i just wrote.

Adam also talked about the virtual community and individual identity.

He spoke about the features of Web 2.0 - folksonomy, the idea of 'user generated content,' and open API. He also discussed the three main types of "social media," - weblogs/blogs like this one, social network services like facebook of course and myspace and content sharing communities such as flickr and youtube.

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