The Birth of the Computer
Modern-day technology and potential future technological developments are feasible due to the work of great minds from the past, present and the future. Significant digital inventions such as the computer have had momentous influences on the way people live their lives on a day to day basis, both privately and publically. Human reliance on technology has created a digital culture throughout the world. This essay will discuss the impact Ada Lovelace and Charles Babbage had on the development of digital technologies and digital culture evident in today’s society.
Contemporary society’s reliance on digital technology as forms of entertainment and necessity has assisted in the creation of a digital culture throughout the world. This idea can be drawn from the work of Charles Gere in his book Digital Culture. According to Gere, “the possibility of convergence and integration that digital technology offers has led it to dominate technical developments in media and communications,” (Gere 2002: p10).
Digital technologies are technological devices that can store and transmit information in digital form, namely; information that is in basic form; a series of numbers (Woodford 2006: p6). Today’s society is consumed by digital technology. According to Gere (2002), “‘computer technology’ and ‘digital technology’ have become [almost] interchangeable.” In addition to inventions such as the mobile phone and the Internet, the computer is among the most commonly used digital devices in the world. Today, the computer as “a programmable device that can store, retrieve, and process data” (Dale et al 2000: p3) is used to access the Internet, create art, literature and music, to play videos, DVDs, video games and music, store data, calculate and process mathematical problems and much more. However this was not always the case, the idea of having a machine perform tasks for us can be derived from Charles Babbage’s Difference Engine and furthermore his second invention; the Analytical Engine.
In the 1820s, Charles Babbage, an English mathematician, began theorising the construction of a machine that would perform calculations of arithmetic and print the solutions in the form of a table, he named it the Difference Engine (Sherman 2006: p25). In 1822, Babbage had completed a small model of engine and “announced it to the Royal Astronomical Society... in a paper called ‘Note on the application of machinery to the computation of astronomical tables’,” (2006: p25). Babbage began building the engine in 1823 “using a decimal number system – one to ten – and was powered by the user cranking a handle,” (2006: p25). By 1828 the English Government had lost interest in Babbage’s Difference Engine and refused to fund the construction of the machine any further (2006: p25). Due to lack of government funding, Babbage began to fund the construction of the engine himself which involved purchasing the required materials and resources such as steel, brass and pewter clockwork (2006: p28). Babbage’s Difference Engine was never physically constructed due to two problems: a lack of funding and the fact that Babbage had already begun working on his next invention; the Analytical Engine (2006: p32).
The Analytical Engine was a “more versatile calculating machine” (Spiller 2002: p22) than the Difference Engine. This engine was designed with five parts; the store which would hold data, the mill which would act like the CPU of a modern-day computer, the control which would run on punch cards that help the programming for each job being processed, the input which was where information requests of the user and finally the output which printed the result (Sherman 2006: p 32). The punch cards used in the Analytical Engine were modelled off those used in Jacquard’s pattern-weaving loom of 1804 that fed threads through a system of wooden cards punched with holes (Gere 2002: p 22). The weaver’s actions were codified and converted into marks on the wooden cards and the machine was able to read the punctures in the cards and repeated the pattern or action” (2002: p 22). In his book ‘Of the Analytical Engine’, Passages from the Life of a Philosopher (1864) Babbage states that there were two types of cards; operation cards and variable cards (Babbage in Spiller 2002: p 26). The operation cards directed the nature of the operations to be performed and the variable cards directed the particular variables on which those cards are required to operate (Babbage in Spiller 2002: p 26).
Babbage’s engines were among the first “prototypical computers,” (Gere 2002: p23) if his ideas, thoughts and designs were not documented, the beginning of the computer’s history would be different (Maisel & Smart 1997). According to Bradley (2006) Augusta Ada Lovelace (1815 - 1852) was the first person to document the computer programming process. Her extensive notes explaining the functions and controls of “Babbage’s Analytical Engine included a thorough explanation of the steps necessary for calculating the Bernoulli numbers” (Bradley 2006: p69). Lovelace’s knowledge of mathematics provided her with the “understanding necessary to accomplish this historical achievement,” (Bradley 2006: p69).
Lovelace expressed an interest in the mathematical nature of Babbage’s Difference Engine after viewing it in Babbage’s studio in 1833 (Bradley 2006: p70). In 1842, Louis Menebrea, an Italian mathematician, published a French journal on the subject of the Analytical Engine (Maisel & Smart 1997). Shortly after the journal was published Babbage employed Lovelace to translate the French journal into English. It took Lovelace nine months between 1842 – 1843 to translate the journal and compose her own notes on the Analytical engine and the work of Charles Babbage. “She understood the plans for the device as well as Babbage but was better at articulating its promise,” (Maisel & Smart 1997).
Lovelace’s notes on the Analytical Engine included comments such as “[the Analytical Engine] can arrange and combine its numerical quantities exactly as if they we letters or other general symbols” (Lovelace in Gere p24). When “remarking on the use of punched cards as used in the Jacquard Loom she wrote ‘We may say most aptly that the Analytical Engine weaves algebraical patterns just as the Jacquard-loom weaves flowers and leaves (Lovelace in Gere p24).’” Overall, Lovelace’s notes on the Analytical Engine lent themselves to the interpretation of later scientists, mathematicians and inventors to assist them to understand the work of Babbage and what he sought to achieve, therefore allowing them to adapt Babbage’s ideas into more contemporary ideas and machines.
Charles Babbage and Ada Lovelace had a substantial impact on the development of current and future digital technology, specifically the construction of modern computers. Babbage’s initial ideas and attempts to construct the Difference Engine and the Analytical Engine, coupled with the notes documented by Lovelace assisted later inventors to devise and construct machines that relate more to modern-day computers. In conclusion, the works of Babbage and Lovelace both separately and together has contributed a largely to the conception of the contemporary computer and therefore the overwhelming digital culture evident within today’s society.
Charles Babbage
The Difference Engine
The Analytical Engine
Ada Lovelace
References for online essay:
Gere, C., 2002, Digital Culture, Reaktion Books Ltd, London, UK.
Bradley, M J., 2006, The Foundations of Mathematics: 1800 to 1900, Chelsea House, New York, US.
Woodford, C., 2006, Science in Focus: Digital Technology, Evans Brothers Limited, London, UK.
Maisel, M. & Smart, L., 1997, Ada Byron, Countess of Lovelace, San Diego Supercomputer Centre, viewed 20 October 2010
Nell B. Dale, N B., Weems, C., & McCormick, J W., 2000, Programming and problem solving with ADA 95, Jones and Bartlett Publishers Inc, London, UK.
Spiller, N., ed. 2002, Cyber Reader: Critical writings for the digital era, Phaidon Press Ltd, London, UK.